Instant Crestron Debug
Just in a few clicks, connect your AVStudio project to the actual Crestron Processor and start testing and debugging your GUI in real time! Send any Signal and work with the true feedback as usual.
Connection options should be set in project settings:
To make a successful connection processor certificate must be trusted by the browser where AVStudio opened. You can make the cert valid manually or install the CA cert on the processor. Follow Crestron Docs.
Auto Sync Crestron Connection
Auto sync Crestron connection between editor and page fullscreen preview!
Avstudio Console
Control the connection status and choose what, when, and what type of signals to push to the connected processor, and see the feedback received.
Better Element Layout
The element type is now printed directly on its name in the main menu, making it easy to understand what type of element is being used.
Text Element Icon Support
Now you can attach an icon to any Text element on the page.
Smart Drag Ordering for Elements
When elements are dragged from one container to another, the place where they are dropped makes sense based on the start or end of the elements list, taking into account the element's current flow (row/column)
Error Editor Page Loading
Sometimes when a project contains zero global containers, the Editor crashes - fixed.