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Version 0.03

Updated: Aug 7

Smart Save Keeper


Losing data just got harder now

Losing data just got harder now

Elements selector layout


Elements are now grouped into a collapsible list.

Mass actions for the entire element group will be added in the future.
Elements are now grouped into a collapsible list.


Bounding box


Bouncing box view now works more stably

Bouncing box view now works more stably

Main menu saved state


Main menu saves its own state after page reload

Main menu saves its own state after page reload


Preview window


Preview updates 2.5x faster now. Instant display of all your changes.

Preview updates 2.5x faster now. Instant display of all your changes.


Preview interactive features


Now you can select any visible layout container by clicking on it inside the preview window!

To make this feature work Show Bounding Box must be ON!
Interactive communication inside preview window will be significantly expanded in future updates.
Now you can select any visible layout container by clicking on it inside the preview window!

Element and Container details layout


Is a more clear, simple, and compact view

Is a more clear, simple, and compact view


Element width option


Now you can set width, max width and min width for your Button Element.

Now you can set width, max width and min width for your Button Element.


Container border options


Set any border width for any container side. Pick any colour with possible transparency or enter colour string manually in any format (RBG, RBGA, HSL and more)

Set any border width for any container side. Pick any colour with possible transparency or enter colour string manually in any format (RBG, RBGA, HSL and more)

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